The new Seraphon Realmshaper Engine terrain piece is so interesting. Feeding off the story of how the "Old Ones" left temples behind when they departed the now dead Old World, the new Seraphon army terrain piece really ties the Lizard Old World lore into the updated Age of Sigmar lore for the Seraphon - and it has neat rules to boot!
Coming in at 0 points, it's a "why not" addition to my army. By that I mean I can choose to play with it in some lists, and leave it out in others as my fancy takes me. It's the first time I've bought a model for an army that literally has zero points cost. It doesn't directly help me expand my army into higher point ranges but it definitely adds a coolness factor - both to the army and to any table I play on.
So without further ado - here it is:
My thoughts in the build and rules after the break!