Tally Ho, Chaps! |
Matt and I had another set of Mid War tester games. This is game 1. We played 71 points, as that is what Cdn Nationals will be Sept 2018. Matt is waiting for Eastern Front lists, but is just using the DAK Panzer Ko. for now until that comes out. I went with my trusty Desert Rats, we rolled Breakthrough, with me defending, as I had an Inf. Formation in my Force As always, Video Batrep at the end.
His list:
HQ Panzer III
3 x Panzer IV 'Long'
2 x Panzer IV 'Long' (in Flanking Reserves)
2 x 8 Rads
3 x Marders
My list:
Crusader HQ 2x CS, 2 x Crusader II
Crusader 2 x II, 1 x III (I completely forgot these were IIIs in game!)
Crusader 2 x II, 1 x III (reserves)
Grants x 3 (reserves)
Motor Co HQ
Motor Co
4x 6lbrs
3 x Bren Gun Carriers
2 Hurricanes (reserves)
Deployment, I Spearhead'ed the Carriers and deployed on both objectives |