11 October, 2016

617th post: 91st After Action report: Reluctant Jagdpanthers from the 654th sJPzr Abteilung (Gesundheit)

 "Jagd-Panthers: 60% of the time, they hit Every-time!"

For my 91st After Action Report all-time, lets do a Late-War game, vs Matt 1420 point tune-up for an upcoming tournament in Kingston.  A bunch of them came up to Petawawa and to Cdn Nationals, so we may as well go down to their first tourney.  1420 points, Pincer attack.  Pics, then Video below.

A "small" diversion...

 BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...