AH Hahaha, He has to paint all of us! |
Real Quick, I have been AFK with some real life stuff (Which caused me to miss Historicon 2015), but am back in action, and have even started my EW ? MW British for Flames of War. But this has NOTHING to do with that, no with Games Workshop on the way back burner, I was able to pick up a Dwarf army for extremely cheap. SO with some talk about how boned the new edition of WHFB might become and to maybe run Kings of War, I decided to bust out the Dwarves and see what I have. I have enough for two armies. Which means I will give one to someone has always disdained everything GW. Here you go Matt:
20 GreatAxe guys, 20 HW & Shield guys, 2 cannons (there is a third if he wants), a catapult, named character Thorek Ironbrow, 2 units of Riflemen, unit of 20 Miners with 2H Pickaxes.