26 August, 2014

Warhammer 40k Batrep #s 5 & 6!

Well hot damn, its looking to be a busy time here at Dice Devils! We've managed to light a few fires and see continued content posted to the blog every few days! Heck its even tough finding room to squeeze in some things without bumping the other new content. We even have a new podcast! If you missed it, here it is again! That said, I know most of the Dice Devils crew has moved on from 40k, I'm back with renewed interest after starting to look at the game in another light. Despite the general negative sentiment we put out about 40k and Games Workshop in general, they still produce the best model, bar none, and have an amazing universe for us to play in. Without anymore chatter, here are a couple batreps I did over the last few weeks, the latter being a tourney prep game for a Tournament held a week or so ago at FDB Gatineau. Enjoy, and please comment if you like, hate or have a recommendation!

 Battle Report 5:


24 August, 2014

For the Emperor..... of France!

So, for anyone who has listened to our very first podcast will know that at Historicon 2014, we dabbled a bit into some historical 19th century action.   Ca$H and RKelly played a 10mm game, and I had been eyeballing this stuff for a while, and figured, why not?    The second wargame I ever played back when I was a kid was some chit-based napoleonics game, where I learned about the defensive square formation, artillery, and how a messenger from the General could be captured and cause a flank to fold because "you didn't get the memo"   almost 30 years later, its time to revisit that period.   The ruleset we decided on is Osprey Games' Fields of Glory, and we went with 15mm, since European buildings we have aplenty in our FoW terrain collections.  I had to be bad guys, so the French!  At the flea market, I was able to score an entire army, painted, for $90.  I had to buy just one Dragoons blister, and then paint those to match the pre-paints I bought, and I would be table-top ready.    Below are the pictures, fairly easy to paint just 12 cav models.

21 August, 2014

What's Next!?

As usual, I have been too busy to really concentrate on a Nationals list for the event that is a mere two weekends away....(should I have sent that in?)
I have been super busy with real life and have not had that much time to paint, play or really do anything other than maybe get out for a few hours on the weekend and go game hunting with Tristan. We've dusted off some of our old consoles and have started to add to our collections, tracking down some vintage stuff at flea markets and the odd retail store. I've also been pretty active on my Twitter account and getting into reading about all sorts of things that interest me. NASCAR, Flames of War, retro video games. Even managed to work a few extra hours of research into editing and making the podcast a success. The next episode will be cleaner and a little easier to follow, I did some up some intro and outro music as well.

18 August, 2014

Dice Devils Podcast!

We are LIVE!! We just finished putting the final touches on our podcast. We hope you enjoy it and come back for more. The plan was for us to have a simple, yet enjoyable format that discusses everything we're into. Flames of War will likely dominate the discussion, but it won't be overshadowing some new things coming down from HQ. Napoleonics, board games and some other topics are sure to come up! Be sure to contact us and let us know how you like the show. You can listen or download from the podcast link on the main page.

Tune In and Let Us Know How We're Doing!!
Follow us and the link will update on it's own. We will have a short post when we have more 'casts listed. We look forward to being a part of your spare time.

Listen to Episode ZERO here!

The In/Out music provided for free!
"Pump Sting" and "Funkorama"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tournament at GameSummit 2014

Hi all, 

So here are the details for the Flames of War Tournament this year at GameSummit (www.www.gamesummit.ca)

Saturday, September 27th 2014


(50, Maisonneuve Blvd, 3rd floor Gatineau (Hull sector) QC J8X 4H4 https://goo.gl/maps/s1ozT)
1650 points  - Late War
All approved 3rd Edition Books and PDFs.
3 Games, one of each mission type (Fair Fight, Mobile and Defensive)
Registration @ 9am, dice rolling at 10am (2 hrs per game). Finished up by 6pm.
Prizes for 1st,2nd,3rd, Best Painted and Best Sport 

Cost - $25*
*The arena is being moved into the room that held the geek market last time, and so will have its own registration desk and pass. This means that players buying their entry for the tournament includes entry into the event but only for the Arena and the market, however if people wish they can still buy a day/weekend pass but it is separate. 

Registration for the event should be on the GameSummit site in the next couple days. 20 spots ONLY! So register as soon as it's open. Please refer to our DiceDevils forum post for any Q&A.

See you there!

11 August, 2014

Something a little different

I have always been a gamer. Board games, PC games (dreaded DOS boot disks), consoles, you name it. So I have held on to some of my old consoles from my younger days, and recently pulled them out and started reminiscing and playing some games.

I am hooked.

I want to play more. I want to collect more. I mentioned this in passing to a couple of the lads, nostalgia ensued! We even ended up playing Turtles IV (Turtles in Time), Fatal Fury 2 and Street Fighter II Turbo last Friday on PhantomRescue's SNES.

So I started, over the last month or so, to check out flea markets and the like for some cheap additions to my meager selection of games.

So without further ado, here are some of my recent pickups :

Weekend of August 2-3

04 August, 2014

Long Weekend, Historicon Close Out and more!

Closing out my three part series on our trip down to Historicon, just some final thoughts more than anything. I got sidetracked by my new airbrush....can you blame me?!! All together it was a great event, the Flames of War Nationals certainly began a little later than expected, but Dave did a great job running it solo and we look forward to him running Canadian Nationals at the end of the month. This brings me full circle all the way to this weekend, where we had a holiday and as usual it was time for some gaming out at my place in the 'War Room'. I was getting tired of calling it the shop, not much work get's done out there....it's more of a fun place to chill out and listen to Split Infinity Radio.They're a great site and online radio station that plays to my inner geek. You can find them here SI RADIO

A "small" diversion...

 BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...