13 June, 2014
Warhammer 40k Batrep #2 Marines Vs. Eldar!
Hello again all, I managed to sneak in another game of 40k last night with a buddy Shahin!
I ran my same Marine list as the first battle report, as I'm mostly trying to learn rules here, not worrying as much about tactics and such.
I promise once this learning curve is off and I pick a list, painting will be stepped up to make these bat reps look prettier.
Anyways, without further adieu, here is Batrep 002 Marines v. Eldar
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A "small" diversion...
BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...

Those look like my old jet bikes, good to see them still around, good report, if i knew what army imperial guard was i would be tempted to play but it seems gw have deleted them from the game