27 May, 2013

British Para Air Landing AAR Part 2

Welcome back!

I hope you enjoy the conclusion of our AAR, and a light recap on how we will modify the scenarios when we play it again!

Thanks for watching!


20 May, 2013

Brit Paras Air Landing AAR Part 1

Brett and I got together to play a "themed" game, the video explains it all. Sorry for the format, I used my phone, and was not paying attention and holding it the wrong way! Part 2 will be much better I promise!

Part 1:

09 May, 2013

'Back' to It! Warhammer 40,000 Tau and Magnets!

Hello all, please excuse the pun in the title, but I've been out of it for a few weeks with a back injury. During the time off I'd like to say I slaved away painting and assembling the whole time...but I didn't I got in a bunch of World of Tanks too. Check out the video below and some pics to show a bit better resolution. Cheers! That's not to say it wasn't fruitful, in fact here are the fruits of my time off...magnetized Tau!

A "small" diversion...

 BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...