1 Tristan Cash (BEST OVERALL)
2 Drew Willis (BEST AXIS)
3 Louis Santerre (BEST ALLIED)
4 Rob Kelly (BEST PAINTED)
5 Dennis Campbell
6 Doug Petryk
7 Chris Moser
8 Duane Goodwin
8 Mike Abbott
8 Jon Jeffrey (BEST SPORT)
11 Richard Fisher
12 Jay Williams
12 Matt MacKenzie
14 Marty Hartwick
15 Stef Grambart (DARWIN’S BLADE)
16 Aweysome Dude
28 October, 2012
26 October, 2012
AAR 76, Rock you like a Hurricane!
The last practice game before the back-to-back tournament weekends. OMG LW Doubles, put on by the Ottawa Miniature Gaming group (not, omg, a tournament!) and then our very own Dice Devils Fall Fubar MW tournament at the Legion.
While I was painting a ME-262, Ca$h and Phantom played a game, and since I was painting, I didn't take any pics, but I got Vids, which as usual is below.
After this weekend, I will put up a double tournament post, as well as the final few Hobby Articles for my Brits (don;t want to unveil until Fubar is done) so we have a few articles lined up in rapid fire coming up after this dry spell.
13 October, 2012
AAR 75, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
"Loading these 'ere guns is tough work, 'ey mate?!"
Well after a long hiatus, I have an AAR for you guys that I actually played in! Phantom hosted a game at the Matt-Cave on his sweet felt desert table, and we did Brit 8th army vs Aussie Div. Cav, 1625 pts, in preparations for Fall Fubar (2 weeks away!)
My List:
Motor Company HQ
Motor Platoon
HMG platoon in trucks
Carrier platoon
6lbr Portee platoon
4 gun RHA troop
3 Kingforce Churchills
2 Kingforce Churchills
Phantom took:
CIC, 2IC in Crusaders
4 guns RHA
Hurricane D Model
As usual a few pics, then video at the bottom, Enjoy
After my recce move, I was close to the town, and the objective in the wood at the end of the road (in the small woods)
Turn 2, you can see my carriers are just within 4 of the crashed Hurr'c, but behind the hedges enough to not be seen. This forces Phantom to pitch models forward to contest turn after turn or lose the match.
Meanwhile, my unpainted Churchies take a pounding from AT 11 Cannons! Hurray 'protected ammo' though
Phantom's ShermanIII's look like they have slogged long and hard across the desert to get to this town
Yes its childish, but Phantom's felt table surface leaves cool track marks as I dragged my Churchies forward!
I eventually lose my carriers, but by now my reserves are coming..
..including 6lbers who drive up and fire into the sides of ShermanIIIs..
Here is the video, folks...
10 October, 2012
You're Going to Need a Bigger Boat
So with the armor of most tanks I have been facing as of late, I decided to beef up my AT (anti-tank) abilities to enable myself to have a chance in later turns. Most of my games, my opponents have been fielding an abundance of tanks, to which I have no reply. My Marders have not been able to hit very much and the Panzer IV's are great, but once they are gone, held in reserve or find themselves in a US Tank Destroyer ambush, it's tough to recover from. PAK 40's seem to be the answer with a few modifications as far as chopping points up in my German MW Panzergren list. I had to make room for them, so out go the mortars and the PAK 38's for now and I'll likely be testing them out this Friday with the rest of their German brothers.
For prep, the usual filing and light scuffing was done in order to prep them for basing. I went ahead and kind of pre-placed my soldiers around the guns before basing them separately from the guns themselves. This step saved me some time as it was way easier to paint the guns alone before they were mounted. A step I did not take when I did my Australian 25 pound guns. Overall, I went with a mix of browns and greens for my camo and the yellow/orange ochre look for the guns themselves. They are not quite as shiny after a wash and ended up turning out pretty good, although not as nice as I thought they would have.
My buddy Dan built the walls you see in the pictures, they turned out great and really add to the bases. I would not recommend his 'brick by brick' method of assembly, as it must have taken him forever for them to get done where it started to look like a wall. I was messing around with some of the settings on my camera as I never like to just take a straight shot of something, I like lighting effects and other small features to make the painting and modelling more non-fake looking, if that makes any sense.
For prep, the usual filing and light scuffing was done in order to prep them for basing. I went ahead and kind of pre-placed my soldiers around the guns before basing them separately from the guns themselves. This step saved me some time as it was way easier to paint the guns alone before they were mounted. A step I did not take when I did my Australian 25 pound guns. Overall, I went with a mix of browns and greens for my camo and the yellow/orange ochre look for the guns themselves. They are not quite as shiny after a wash and ended up turning out pretty good, although not as nice as I thought they would have.
My buddy Dan built the walls you see in the pictures, they turned out great and really add to the bases. I would not recommend his 'brick by brick' method of assembly, as it must have taken him forever for them to get done where it started to look like a wall. I was messing around with some of the settings on my camera as I never like to just take a straight shot of something, I like lighting effects and other small features to make the painting and modelling more non-fake looking, if that makes any sense.
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ACHTUNG!! The bricks are not as red without my bright painting light. |
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Eins...zwei...drei....vier PAK 40's ready for action! |
03 October, 2012
Vintage Wings 2012
Hey guys, while I know this isn't 100% Flames of War related, its is WW2, and therefore awesome. Phantom Matt, aka Vicious Ego, aka Juno76 and I went to the Vintage Wings airshow, and here is some pics and a vid at the end. Above is the nose art of the B-25H
Spitfire MKVII and a F4U-D
The very last Hurricane MkIV in flying condition, in North Africa colors. Pilot kept the flying pretty tame..
..unlike the P-40 Warhawk pilot, who was throwing it around the sky!
LW 6pdr with muzzle brake.
Market Garden style Jeep
German MG-42 HMG
German finely made ammo box. Now I can color match my ammo crates on my 21 Panzer!
Bofors AA gun on flex trailer.
15cwt truck, note yellow tonnage marker and unit colors, I need to fix my 15cwts now!
Matt/ Juno76 touching the B25.. its his fave in Aces High
In Canada we called this the Canso, better known as the PBY-4 Catalina. My dad got his start in aviation at the age of 4 riding in his fathers' company Canso, face against that observation blister behind the wing!
Finally a video of the assorted clips from the event.
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BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...