15 April, 2012

Return of the Mid War

With Historicon looming on the distant horizon, a few of us from Ottawa are getting ready for a smaller tourney next weekend in Petawawa Ontario.

Having qualified for Nationals in February, I'm taking this tournament as a chance to try something wacky, something a little...different.

With that said, I present the Stuart Horde Mk. II (Moar Stuarts*)

2 M5 Stuarts

5 M5 Stuarts
5 M5 Stuarts
5 M5 Stuarts

3 M8 Scotts
3 M8 Scotts

Div. Support:

ARP with 1 Rifle Squad and 4 bazookas

Just assembled and primed the M8 Scotts last night and hopefully should have them done an pics tonight!


  1. Nice tanks - they just don't seem to last very long on the battlefield!

  2. why the scotts over anything else?

  3. Scotts only so I can have 23 'Stuarts' in the list. Like I said, its meant to be fun, not competitive. And when I lose, I'll look like a champ :)

  4. In unrelated news, I picked up Stuart hulls No's 14 and 15 today :)

  5. Yes I can feel the hate flowing. Give in to your hatred.


A "small" diversion...

 BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...