Soviets -Moto HQ w/ 1 company with 3 platoons, 1 company with 1 SMG platoon, sappers, 4 AT guns, 5 T-70s.
Germans - GepanzertepanzerGrens HQ, 2 platoons, 4 panzers, 2 pak 38s.
Deployment: Soviet horde company on the right soviet objective. AT guns on the left Soviet objective. Soviets deployed first and get first turn. German AT guns on their left objective. One platoon of GepanzertepanzerGrens in the middle. Scattered Reserves for both sides.
Turn 1: Soviets fail to dig in. German Pak38s move to the rock wall.
Turn 2: Soviets bring on 5 T-70s on the far right flank with Scattered Reserves and they come down off the escarpment and line up with the infantry. Sappers come on at the farm house by the left Soviet objective. Germans get Panzers right in front of the Soviet light tanks an bail 2 T-70s and kill one.

Bottom of 3: T-70s have just doubled it away from the Panzers. Panzers move to the creek and kill a Soviet infantry base. Reserve german HTs race down the dirt road on the Soviet left flank (top right).

Bottom of 7: Germans will claim right-most Soviet objective in a turn or two. Game, Set, Match.
AAR: We ran this as a Tag Team-style demo with 2 players aside. Each side with one new player. As such we didn't use a proper scenario. The Defending side didn't have an ambushing platoon which may have made a big difference. Being able to place the AT-guns after the reserve Panzers showed up could have changed things. But in the end the main downfalls for the Soviets were: having all their AT in one place and not being aggressive enough.