I know my legion of fans are surely asking themselves this question.
Fear not, I still breathe, but due to the shroud of secrecy surrounding my Golden Marine project I can't put up update pictures of what I am working on :(
Needless to say, I have been quite busy of late, hobby wise and I have a very busy August September lined up...
My timeline as it looks now:
July-Mid August: Finish Golden Marine Army
Mid August to October: Empire Army
October to December: Elysian army repaint plus vehicle painting.
So if all goes well, by the end of this year I will have my GM army completed, an Empire army ready for all-comers in fantasy and my Elysian army looking suh-weet.
Pics of some Empire stuff I did a year or two back for a teaser later this week :)
27 July, 2010
26 July, 2010
Eldar Golden Marine list
Alright so I final have a list
Autarch, power sword, Fusion gun, Banshee mask 93
Fire Dragons x 6, Exarch, Tankhunters 123
Wave Serpent, Twin Lances, Stones 145
Guardians x10 with Lance 110
Storm Guardians x 10, 2 x flamer, Warlock, Enhance 132
Wave Serpent, Twin Lances, Stones 145
Warwalkers 3, twin Scatters n each 180
Falcon w Scatter, Holofields, Stones 175
1103 points on the nose (Golden Marine is 1107 pts)
Here are some pics, the flight stands were still in case, so I had to use something else at hand :)

Autarch, power sword, Fusion gun, Banshee mask 93
Fire Dragons x 6, Exarch, Tankhunters 123
Wave Serpent, Twin Lances, Stones 145
Guardians x10 with Lance 110
Storm Guardians x 10, 2 x flamer, Warlock, Enhance 132
Wave Serpent, Twin Lances, Stones 145
Warwalkers 3, twin Scatters n each 180
Falcon w Scatter, Holofields, Stones 175
1103 points on the nose (Golden Marine is 1107 pts)
Here are some pics, the flight stands were still in case, so I had to use something else at hand :)
Every Painful Detail, pt 15: The Quarry
Only lacking one finishing touch.
Are you getting tired of these yet?
Are you getting tired of these yet?
25 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail pts 13 and 14
Off to try some new stuff.
Pt 13: Cleansing the palette
Taking a break from the Necropolis to start another project that should go by quickly.
Pt 14: Quick Work
See? It doesn't take long to make a game table when you know what you're after.
Pt 13: Cleansing the palette
Taking a break from the Necropolis to start another project that should go by quickly.
Pt 14: Quick Work
See? It doesn't take long to make a game table when you know what you're after.
Every painful detail parts 13 and 14
Pt 13: Cleansing the Palette
Taking a break from the Necropolis to start another project that should go by quickly.
Pt 14: Quick Work
See? It doesn't take long to make a game table when you know what you're after.
Taking a break from the Necropolis to start another project that should go by quickly.
Pt 14: Quick Work
See? It doesn't take long to make a game table when you know what you're after.
22 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail, pts 11 and 12
Pt 11: All About Drywall Compound.
Working on drywall compound. Dull? Yes... but one day you may want to do the same.
Pt 11: Finally... Sand!
The moment I've been waiting for: The application of sand!
Working on drywall compound. Dull? Yes... but one day you may want to do the same.
Pt 11: Finally... Sand!
The moment I've been waiting for: The application of sand!
21 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail, pt 10: The River Returns
It appears I have figured out how to manage the very dangerous casting resin and successfully make a river. What next? The Necropolis awaits.
In other news: Does anyone besides me find it strange that Drunken Gamers of Ottawa's most frequent blogger is a non-drinker?
In other news: Does anyone besides me find it strange that Drunken Gamers of Ottawa's most frequent blogger is a non-drinker?
18 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail, pt 9: Back to the Land of the Dead
A few words about superhot resin (and that's "hot", not "hawttt"), and how to make tiles in foam.
Warning: My face is in this one.
Warning: My face is in this one.
17 July, 2010
14 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail, pt 7: Side Trip
I've been hard at work on my Khemri Necropolis table... but I need a break. I went off and did something else for a little while.
12 July, 2010
Every Painful Detail, pts 1 & 2 (Edit: Added pt 3)
Sobergamer here once again with a new project and a new video log. The idea (as I repeat many times during the video) is to show you EVERYTHING I am doing. Every step. Every decision. To explain all of it. Naturally, this won't appeal to most of you, but... I wish I had something like this when I started out, so there are a few who might be glad to see this being posted. Here are two videos to start with. (edit: I added one... now it's three!)
Every Painful Detail pt 1: Prep Work
Every Painful Detail pt 2: The Blank Table
Every Painful Detail pt 3: Testing Things out
Several more on the way, each with more painful detail than the last.
Every Painful Detail pt 1: Prep Work
Every Painful Detail pt 2: The Blank Table
Every Painful Detail pt 3: Testing Things out
Several more on the way, each with more painful detail than the last.
11 July, 2010
Eldar Farseer (with tentacles, of course)
Last of the Chaos Warmachines
10 July, 2010
Holes in Foam V: The problem with flock
Welcome to the latest installment of my video "podcast" in which drop an F-bomb.
09 July, 2010
08 July, 2010
Holes in Foam III: Careful paint
Yes, I know. I'm spamming. But most of the other contributors to this blog are lazyasses. So... more table. Tonight's guest star? Graveyard Earth paint.
07 July, 2010
Holes in Foam II: Sand
Sober Gamer here again to show you the next chapter in my table-construction project. One of these days I'll remember to turn my camera sideways so it records in landscape. Maybe next time. :)
Holes in Foam: How I made my game table
A little something to chronicle my ongoing efforts to destroy my kitchen.
06 July, 2010
Tuesday Night Fights
Chaos dwarves vs Spanky100's Tzeentchian chaos. As always it comes down to the final dice throw :)
04 July, 2010
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A "small" diversion...
BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...