Alrighty, so this is a list I've been messing with, and more importantly, trying to build some models for:
Tyranid Prime with twin boneswords, Devourer and Adrenal Glands: 105pts
Tyranid Prime with twin boneswords, Deathspitter, Adrenal Glands: 100 pts
Zoanthropes x 2 120 pts
Zoanthropes x 2 120 pts
Hive Guard x 3 150 pts
6 Warriors, 5 devourers, 1 barbie strangler, scything talons: 190 pts
6 Warriors, 5 deathspitters, 1 venom cannon, scything talons: 225 pts
Termagaunts x 10 50pts
Termagaunts x 10 50pts
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines: 195
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines: 195 pts
1500 points exactly.
What I need to do to play all-painted, I'd have to paint 2 zoanthropes, 2 primes. Obviously the like-armed Primes go with their respective warrior units, giving them ws5, bs4, and on the charge, each prime dishes out five str 6, ini 6, power sword, instant death attacks....
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