05 March, 2010

What to Do Next?

Ok I still at a loss as to what to do to start the second 100 points of my challenge...

I ask you all for opinions...

Do I do:

A heavy Weapons squad
Another Valkyrie/Vendetta
Paint part of my Gothic Fleet

Or some other project?

Input welcome :)


  1. Heavy Weapons Squad, gothic takes seconds to paint, and you just finished one valk, maybe do something else in between more valks :)

  2. Agreed, Stick with the Guard and finish em off. Heavy weapons then another valk is a nice way to keep things fresh.

  3. Alrighty, I'll figure out which teams to paint and post up my before pics to start the challenge tomorrow!


A "small" diversion...

 BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...