01 March, 2010

Victory Brew

Well, I gunned through the repainting of the infantry squad, took 3.5 hours.
Still waiting on the Colossus barrel's poly filla to dry before working on it tomorrow.

Here is the pic, with my victory brew as a backdrop


  1. Looks good - only one thing sticks out to me though.... Everyone has the same beard color?

    Overall - impressive you got it done so fast!

  2. yeah everyone had the same beard color. Hearthguard are older so have grey. Maybe I should do subtle highlights of different browns though, youre right :)

  3. P-A-C-K-E-R-S, Gooooo Packers!

    If I find a cheese head I'm so getting it for you!

    Seriously they look awesome, can't wait to see the whole force redone in Stronghold colours.


A "small" diversion...

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