Guildmaster and Hearthguard (Company Command squad) with 4 melta guns, 1 plasmapistol, Chimera: 155 points
Hearthguard Squad (Platoon Command Squad) 3 melta guns, 1 flamer, Chimera: 120 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Thunderer Squad (Heavy Weapon) with 3 Lascannons: 105 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Medusa with Siegebreaker and closed top crew: 155 points
Medusa with Siegebreaker and closed top crew: 155 points
Colossus: 140 points
Swapped out autocannon team for lascannon team, and ditched marbo to pay for this upgrade.
FYI this is the list that was played in the last Batrep.. just getting around to posting now.
30 March, 2010
29 March, 2010
Squat Update
OK, so I havent posted on my progress, only because it is Epic.. instead of just finishing ONE chimera for last week, I finished a chimera, got paint on 4 more, finished the colossus, and ALL the infantry for the 1500 point list.
Therefore I'm going to gear it down some and simply finish two chimeras for this following week: the company command and platoon command ones, so I can differentiate between them and the vet ones.
I need to do that because: I played An00bis tonite, and yeah, it was DEFINTELY the dice.. this time, even though i was at the store, and forgot I had dumped my batch of dice into the Bayshore dice bucket, I REFUSED to use them, and instead used Jason's dice to smash him.
His own dice failed him, lost two critical leadership tests, two units of the board, and the veterans with only 2 meltas but one flamer paid off huge dividends, flaming into a unit of kroot to make them run off the board. Sure, when I am gunning down tanks, I would like the 3rd melta, but seriously, I like having that flamer back up for the later stages in a game when there are actual troops on the table. On the other side of the board, a platoon command with flamer also paid off handsomely, hitting a unit of "gone to ground" firewarriors, pushing them off that objective too.. Jason ended up conceding at turn 5, I had 3 objectives, and he had one contested.
But yeah, now that all 5 chimeras are green, I need to put unit markings on them so that they can be picked out.
Therefore I'm going to gear it down some and simply finish two chimeras for this following week: the company command and platoon command ones, so I can differentiate between them and the vet ones.
I need to do that because: I played An00bis tonite, and yeah, it was DEFINTELY the dice.. this time, even though i was at the store, and forgot I had dumped my batch of dice into the Bayshore dice bucket, I REFUSED to use them, and instead used Jason's dice to smash him.
His own dice failed him, lost two critical leadership tests, two units of the board, and the veterans with only 2 meltas but one flamer paid off huge dividends, flaming into a unit of kroot to make them run off the board. Sure, when I am gunning down tanks, I would like the 3rd melta, but seriously, I like having that flamer back up for the later stages in a game when there are actual troops on the table. On the other side of the board, a platoon command with flamer also paid off handsomely, hitting a unit of "gone to ground" firewarriors, pushing them off that objective too.. Jason ended up conceding at turn 5, I had 3 objectives, and he had one contested.
But yeah, now that all 5 chimeras are green, I need to put unit markings on them so that they can be picked out.
26 March, 2010
Finally getting down to it
I was quite late getting around to my painting challenge from Matt Varnish. I owe him a $25 gift certificate. What can I tell you? My mom is visiting, my car went to the scrap yard, my kid had pneumonia and I got not one but THREE new jobs. Plus... I'm lazy. Anyhow... here's a little tour of what's coming up for me:
Thursday night fights, Gargoyle spit on my dice edition
At the last second, I was able to head into GW for a game, and thus got to play guard vs nids, this time I was guard..
20 March, 2010
Friday Night Fights, New Dice Edition
Hey guys, so we had An00bis and Big Willie join in for the fun this time, though Willie never made into a video sadly...
Here are the vids. Couple things to note, we had to go quiet in some parts due to sleeping baby, so apologies in advance. Also, there will be a 3rd, retrospective vid added in a few hours
post game real quick...
Here are the vids. Couple things to note, we had to go quiet in some parts due to sleeping baby, so apologies in advance. Also, there will be a 3rd, retrospective vid added in a few hours
post game real quick...
19 March, 2010
Tuned up 1500 Squat List
Guildmaster and Hearthguard (Company Command squad) with 4 melta guns, 1 plasmapistol, Chimera: 155 points
Hearthguard Squad (Platoon Command Squad) 3 melta guns, 1 flamer, Chimera: 120 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Thunderer Squad (Heavy Weapon) with 3 Autocannons: 75 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera: 150 points
Gotrek Marbo: 65 points
Medusa with Siegebreaker and closed top crew: 155 points
Medusa with Siegebreaker and closed top crew: 155 points
Colossus: 75 points
1495 total. We'll see how it fairs tonite
16 March, 2010
This week's painting challenge
OK, having brought up the choice with Orbital101, 10 man Veteran squad, or Chimera/Rhino, he picked Chimera. Which means tonite i will assemble the prototype Chimera/Rhino and post pics, then get to work painting it green and yellow.. wish me luck.
Here is the video, the rivets are just drying right now, I'll spray prime it tonite, hopefully get it painted tomorrow:
13 March, 2010
Friday Night Fights, Battle Mission Edition
Another installment, First off we have Matt Varnish's Tyranids vs Lothlann's Blood Pact Guard using the new First Contact mission. Very random setup, I kinda liked this mission actually
Next we have a two-parter, Loth's Blood pact vs Ca$h's Space Wolves, this time with 50% less proxy! They played Pre Emptive Strike, an Eldar mission
Next we have a two-parter, Loth's Blood pact vs Ca$h's Space Wolves, this time with 50% less proxy! They played Pre Emptive Strike, an Eldar mission
12 March, 2010
Battle Missions Book
So I picked up the Battle Missions book last night and started to take a gander at some of the missions inside. I must say that I am really impressed. First off, the cover art:

Wow, pure awesome-sause!. But really what grabbed me was the way they incorporated Universal Special rules and Scenario Objectives. The simple reason is that this Battle Missions book will work with ANY version of 40k; past, present and future. The layout allows the players to randomly roll, generate based on a story, or just pick the ones they like. There are no specific 5th Ed. rules, so the longevity of the book itself is a great reason to buy it.
We plan to incorporate the Battle Missions into Friday Night Fights - so expect some commentary and battle reports using this new resource. Instead of reviewing each scenario, I feel we would be better off reviewing them as we play them - so stay tuned!
-CA$H out.

Wow, pure awesome-sause!. But really what grabbed me was the way they incorporated Universal Special rules and Scenario Objectives. The simple reason is that this Battle Missions book will work with ANY version of 40k; past, present and future. The layout allows the players to randomly roll, generate based on a story, or just pick the ones they like. There are no specific 5th Ed. rules, so the longevity of the book itself is a great reason to buy it.
We plan to incorporate the Battle Missions into Friday Night Fights - so expect some commentary and battle reports using this new resource. Instead of reviewing each scenario, I feel we would be better off reviewing them as we play them - so stay tuned!
-CA$H out.
08 March, 2010
Battle of the Buldge
After watching a show on the history channel about the battle of the buldge I've decided it's time to turn my Leman Russ tanks to chaos, I have 2 Leman russ Battle tanks and 2 Leman russ Vanquisher tanks that i'm about to start turning to chaos. I'm going to try going back to my russes because im finding the medusas are just to fragile, I will still use them but want to try a few games with the less cost efficent but much better armoured Leman Russ. Here are the before pictures of the 4 tanks i will start to charge to chaos.

Battle of the Buldge
After watching a show on the history channel about the battle of the buldge I've decided it's time to turn my Leman Russ tanks to chaos, I have 2 Leman russ Battle tanks and 2 Leman russ Vanquisher tanks that i'm about to start turning to chaos. I'm going to try going back to my russes because im finding the medusas are just to fragile, I will still use them but want to try a few games with the less cost efficent but much better armoured Leman Russ. Here are the before pictures of the 4 tanks i will start to charge to chaos.
This week's painting docket
after finishing a squad, and playing on friday, I need to finish painting the wsywyg stuff, so instead of finishing teh colossus for this week, im taking some guys to Quebec city and work on them at night at hotel.
so 30 veterans, see if I can get em done
06 March, 2010
Friday Night Fights March 5
Another round of fights. I lowered the resolution in the hopes of making the files smaller so they aren't 300mb each and don't take 90 minutes per upload. Sadly, I think it is the framerate as they are still the same size. Which means I'll UP the resolution next time, since it doesnt make a difference! Also, I filmed after each player's turn this time, and more commentary at the end, so each VBR is split into 2 parts.
Anyhoo, enjoy.
250+ points complete! On to more!
So, here are some shots of the Grey Hunter unit and transport I completed this week:

I now plan to take a week or two and build the rest of my 1500pts to full WYSIWYG (along with all the vehicles), then continue painting each unit as I go. Going to be building Wolf Guard for each Grey Hunter unit, Wolf standards, and either building or scrounging Wulfen models to use as "Mark of the Wulfen" dudes in my units. I also need to build a new unit of Skyclaws (LOVE THEM!) and maybe a Wolf Priest with jump pack to lead them, the options are endless, and I am stoked to build this army far beyond 1500pts for sure. I can easily see Space Wolves becoming a 2500 point army very quickly, with all the build option I want to have. With Joyous providing me with jump packs and Land Raider for the force, it will get there soon.
On a side note, I am still working on my Demon Prince for my Emperors Children, and I will get a pic of it up once its completed - it is less than stellar looking as a WIP.
I now plan to take a week or two and build the rest of my 1500pts to full WYSIWYG (along with all the vehicles), then continue painting each unit as I go. Going to be building Wolf Guard for each Grey Hunter unit, Wolf standards, and either building or scrounging Wulfen models to use as "Mark of the Wulfen" dudes in my units. I also need to build a new unit of Skyclaws (LOVE THEM!) and maybe a Wolf Priest with jump pack to lead them, the options are endless, and I am stoked to build this army far beyond 1500pts for sure. I can easily see Space Wolves becoming a 2500 point army very quickly, with all the build option I want to have. With Joyous providing me with jump packs and Land Raider for the force, it will get there soon.
On a side note, I am still working on my Demon Prince for my Emperors Children, and I will get a pic of it up once its completed - it is less than stellar looking as a WIP.
05 March, 2010
What to Do Next?
Ok I still at a loss as to what to do to start the second 100 points of my challenge...
I ask you all for opinions...
Do I do:
A heavy Weapons squad
Another Valkyrie/Vendetta
Paint part of my Gothic Fleet
Or some other project?
Input welcome :)
I ask you all for opinions...
Do I do:
A heavy Weapons squad
Another Valkyrie/Vendetta
Paint part of my Gothic Fleet
Or some other project?
Input welcome :)
03 March, 2010
More work on the Colossus
Getting there....
Cash here,
So, the 10 man grey hunter unit is done, and I am on to the Rhino tonight. It is assembled and primed - all ready to go. Here is a shot of the unit:

I plan to add vehicle markings and iconography prior to calling it complete - don't want to have to come back to anything in this army. At least not for a while...
** EDIT : After posting the pic I noticed I forgot the eyes on the helmeted marines! How I missed that I have no idea, but it will be done! **
Also, still no word from Lothlann, looks like he will be buying soon.... Muahahaha
So, the 10 man grey hunter unit is done, and I am on to the Rhino tonight. It is assembled and primed - all ready to go. Here is a shot of the unit:
I plan to add vehicle markings and iconography prior to calling it complete - don't want to have to come back to anything in this army. At least not for a while...
** EDIT : After posting the pic I noticed I forgot the eyes on the helmeted marines! How I missed that I have no idea, but it will be done! **
Also, still no word from Lothlann, looks like he will be buying soon.... Muahahaha
01 March, 2010
Victory Brew
Painting Challenge step 2: Before shots
First of all, these are getting a new paint job in the new Stronghold Colors: Here is my next batch of stuff for the challenge: 140 pt Colossus Siege Mortar, and 65 pt infantry squad to repaint. That gives me 2 weeks, in which I will also finish adding all the special weapons to everyone (roughly 12 guys) thanks to Loth's bits, and some from Jo.
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BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...