19 August, 2009

The start of something new.....

Where do I start? I am not sure where this compulsion to start a blog came from, but it has taken hold. I guess a number of things have contributed to it. For starters, I am the proud father of a 1 year old girl, and she puts a smile on my face every day without fail. I know it will seem cliche but its true, and odd. I say odd because a week never goes by without someone who knows me (and the stupid/irresponsible/hilarious/drunk things I have done in my "younger" days) saying "I can't believe you are a dad!" or "Wow, I never thought you would have kids". It has almost become a sick point of pride for me - See world! I can be responsible! Anyways.........

Why a blog? Part to chronicle my return to the world of Games Workshop war gaming, part to give a medium to my rants, and part to form a crude history of goings on in my life and household. So, with that said let's get started.

Warhammer 40k 5th Edition. I have returned. What brought me back? I'm not totally sure. I always loved the social aspect of gaming. Something getting rarer as time goes on, with social networking and such, I see people becoming more shut in and disconnected. For all its (social networking) praise, I think it may doom us to sit inside and type all day instead of getting out and socializing face to face. But I digress, back to 40k. If you have no clue what is it, check this link, I don't have the space or inclination to tell you. I am starting fresh (even though I have loads packed away in my basement from years past) with Eldar. The challenge of finesse and fragility is what caught me. I have many, many wins under my belt, and if returning offered no challenge, I probably would lose interest and not bother. I have picked up the bulk of an Eldar army from a good friend ( and now close neighbor ) and am working on building it out. I will be chronicling my work on this blog. I also plan to put up some battle reports, mainly to help myself remeber lessons learned and tactics that failed. It would make interesting reading for some I suppose. Anyways, enjoy the blog.

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A "small" diversion...

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